CC logo All downloads by private companies are considered as done for commercial use. For commercial use of the data by a private company, the company needs to pay for either an ‘Individual commercial license fee’ or a ‘Sponsorship fee’ before downloading any of the data sets. Click ‘read more’ to see the license information if you want to use the data from GYGA.

Sponsorship subscription options for non-profit organisations:

  Sponsorship subscription
Silver Gold Platinum
Price €10,000 €30,000 €50,000
Data access with API  
Availability of technical support 8 hours / year 24 hours / year 40 hours / year
# tickets to annual seminars 1 4 6
Position at GYGA advisory board    
Logo placement   Partnership page Home page
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Services on request: extension of GYGA & Generating insights based on GYGA data:

No. Type of projects Examples Price and time requirement
1. R&D project: extension of new crop-country combi­nations using the GYGA protocol and / or new features
  • Adding new crop-country combinations using the GYGA protocol in alignment with your programme's priorities (e.g. groundnut in Sub-Saharan Africa / Asia)
  • Adding new features in alignment with your programme's priotrities (e.g. adding resource use efficiency indicators such as pesticides or labour)

The price typically ranges from €50k-200k, depending on various factors including but not limited to data availability, presence of good partners, and size of the country. The time requirement also depends on similar factors.

To get a quote for a specific crop-country combination, please contact the GYGA team at to discuss further your interest.

2. R&D project: generating insights for your agri­cultural programme
  • Strategy development support - market identification of R&D prioritisation
  • Analysis on land use and climate smart agriculture
  • Analysis on causes of yield gap
  • Assessment of minimum nutrient input requirements
  • Impact assessment (yield, water, nutrient related indicators).


Be amongst the first 15 sponsors and annual licensees of GYGA and get the following benefits:


10% discount on your annual commercial licensing fee and sponsorship

Get your early bird discount by subscribing today!


Longer validity for annual license (for existing GYGA 'Private company' users)

If you are already a 'Private company' user of GYGA, your annual license will cover your past usage AND one year validity from your purchase date.

group of people

Access to GYGA Closed Beta Programme, for commercial licensing and sponsorship

We are looking to work with you throughout the product development of GYGA (e.g. via usability testing). We want to make sure that we develop the platform as users (you!) need it. This allows you to have a significant influence on the development of a first-of-its-kind international agri & food platform, GYGA!


The future of GYGA The future of GYGA

What is planned for GYGA in 2022?
  • Improvement of the GYGA website and map viewer
  • Updating yield gap analyses that have been performed in the period of 2011-2015
  • Depending on the funding received (via licensing or sponsorship), additional upgrades could include the effects of climate change, pests and diseases, crop management, regularly and expanded data with additional crops and countries.
  • Regular engagement with users to establish a stronger community and solid feedback loop for continuous improvement of the platform.
How to make GYGA sustainable?
  • GYGA has come a long way. GYGA started as a research project in 2011, and it has now transitioned into a first-of-its-kind database that provides high-quality and locally-relevant data on yield gaps and agronomic data used by thousands across sectors (companies, public, research institute-academia, NGOs).
  • In order to grow into a comprehensive and self-sustaining global database, a sustainable business and operational model needs to be identified to ensure its relevance to support you in achieving your goals. For this reason, we are exploring the revenue models of licensing and sponsorship models (see Table above).
  • Do you see the values in sustaining GYGA to benefit you and your organisation? We are looking for your contribution to determine the future development of GYGA. Be amongst the first 15 sponsors and annual licensees of GYGA and bring the platform to the next level!



How do we create values out of your contribution?




0%   100%
Be amongst the first 15 sponsors and annual licensees of GYGA and get your benefits!

For licensing



For sponsorship